Bestseller ‘Pocket Constitution’ – Top 3 Reasons by Esther Lombardi 07/13/2022 0 It's likely that most of us studied the US Constitution in Civic class. You may have even received a Pocket ...
Top 10 Reasons to Buy Used Books by Esther Lombardi 08/02/2016 0 Used books come in all shapes and sizes. Some are nearly new, while others have lived many lives, across the ...
Libraries Lure Pokemon Go Fans by Esther Lombardi 07/13/2022 0 Pokemon Go is such a monumental craze that you must have noticed, even if you've yet to succumb. The fans ...
Who’s Ready for the Return of Mary Poppins? by Esther Lombardi 07/29/2016 0 Think The Devil Wears Prada and Into the Woods, but with the fancy and whimsy of Mary Poppins. And, for ...
Michael Crichton Posthumous Novel – ‘Dragon Bones’ by Esther Lombardi 07/13/2022 0 Michael Crichton is famous for his bestselling novels about Jurassic Park, as well as Congo and Timeline. His novels are ...
Hillary Clinton and Her Books by Esther Lombardi 07/13/2022 0 Whatever your thoughts on Hillary Clinton and the volatility in the political realms, there's one figure who continues to fascinate ...
The Grand Experiment: A Remembered Experience by Esther Lombardi 07/28/2016 0 Do you ever find yourself looking through past posts? I was looking back through what I'd written, from several years ...
Pros and Cons of Volunteer Libraries by Esther Lombardi 07/13/2022 0 Budget cuts brought on by ongoing fiscal woes are just one of the many factors that have caused more libraries ...
5 Reasons Why We Love Harry Potter… by Esther Lombardi 03/18/2024 0 We've all loved Harry Potter, since the day he first arrived on the literary scene. For evidence, you've but to ...
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – It’s a Party (and Play) by Esther Lombardi 07/13/2022 0 It's not a novel, but Harry Potter fans aren't particularly picky at this point. We just want to tap in ...